mojo stories… Joann T.
I am excited for my continued positive results.
the magic of dashing through Disneyland!
This adventure started about eight months ago when I decided to sign up for the Tinkerbell Half-Marathon to celebrate an upcoming milestone birthday! I tried a 5k in June on my own and was a mess! Everything hurt! My girlfriend Debbie and her two daughters, ("The Finnegan Girls"), had started Mama Bootcamp and were loving it. Debbie said I should give it a try, that it would help me get stronger and prepare for the race. I received a Living Social email alert for a Mama Bootcamp deal that came out last August. It said, "SIGN UP NOW!" and I did.
I was nervous. I remember my first conversation with Coach Susan, and was not sure if this was for me. She was so supportive and encouraging! Still, I had the first-day jitters, fear of the unknown, "what if's", and can I really do this?! How does this work? I went to my first Mama Bootcamp class and to my surprise and delight, another girlfriend was there that I didn't even know was a Mama too!!
I've got to tell you, it was tough. For a few days after I started, I had to lift my left leg with both hands to put on the parking brake!!! Slowly, with each session I began to feel stronger. I go to Maidu mornings and Coaches Alison, Lisa, Susan, Shannon and Lorri Ann have been incredible. About four weeks into the 6-week membership my husband said, "This is going to be a part of your life now isn't it?" I am hooked! I whine and fuss all the way to a better, stronger, healthier body and I love it!!!
The Tinkerbell Run was challenging and amazing! I finished, no injuries and I have a cool medal to prove it!! Thank you Mama Bootcamp. I am proud to be a Mama and excited for my continued positive results.
“I am hooked! I whine and fuss all the way to a better, stronger, healthier body and I love it!!!”