Amy was a smoker and she was 110 pounds overweight. She worked in childcare at a minimum wage job. She was a single parent with a beautiful daughter. The father was MIA and she had a deadbeat boyfriend to boot. Not a pretty picture. One day Amy decided she was “sick and tired of being sick and tired” and she literally changed her mind.
She was ready for a change and cut out all soda. In only five weeks, Amy was surprised she dropped 26 pounds! Amy was ready to step up her game and needed more guidance to keep the momentum going. Asking her parents for help, they gave her 12 weeks of Mama Bootcamp as a Christmas gift. She started training and quit smoking. As Amy lost more weight, she gained more confidence. She decided to go back to school and eventually earned her bachelor’s degree!
Being a single parent, working and going to school, exercise was not easy to fit into her tight schedule. To supplement her crazy, busy schedule and still squeeze in exercise time, I taught her about “Express Workouts.” Consistency was the key. Amy found 15 minute blocks to get her workout completed three times weekly. BAM! Success was hers! Amy found her mojo: she lost over 110 pounds, broke up with the deadbeat boyfriend and found her confidence and strength.
One of the key components to building a healthy metabolic rate and your best body is increasing your lean muscle mass. The best way to do this is through strength training at least three times a week for a minimum of 15 minutes. The magic number is three. Two days of strength training a week is enough for maintenance, but at three times a week you will build lean muscle. Strength training can be done with free weights, bands, medicine balls, etc. or just your own body weight. What makes the “Express Workouts” so fantastic is that they do not require anything. You do not need a gym membership or special equipment, just you!