Whatever you focus on grows. What you “think about, comes about.” Living in thankfulness creates a wondrous sense of joy and a synergistic “give and take” with life. This challenge is about being grateful.
What you give out definitely comes back to you. I won’t lie, this is not the easiest of challenges. Some days are just HARD and the biggest thing to be thankful for may be that the day is over and you get to go to bed and “sleep it off.” When I was having one of these bad days that turned into a bad week and then a bad month, I thought, “What is going on? What have I done to deserve this?!”
I forced myself to look at people who had much worse circumstances than I. People who couldn’t go for a run to get rid of the stress or for whatever reason had no car to get to work. Not to relish in their misery, but to remind myself it could be worse.
Another way to be grateful is to help others who are down in their luck or to give back to others. You could pick up trash at a local park, work in a homeless shelter, volunteer at a hospital, or help a family in need. Doing something for others will move you through your temporary slump.
For more fun challenges through out the year ... purchase [FIND YOUR MOJO] 52 Weeks to Transformation, Inspiration and Fitness today! by Lorri Ann Code founder of Mama Bootcamp Inc.