The combination of mirror work with affirmations can be a very powerful tool creating a huge meta- morphous in a short period of time. This depends on how much there is to “dump” and “reload.” By this I mean, we all grow up with believing we are what our parents tell us we are. This can be great if you have healthy, loving parents or not so great if your parent are messed up themselves and live out their dysfunctions through you.
Two things cannot hold the same space at the same time, so dumping is a natural part of the process when you are reclaiming who you are. You came into this world perfect with natural inherent gifts that were meant to be shared. This is who you are. Growing up and being raised by parents who are critical and self-absorbed can cause you to feel unworthy and undeserving of life’s abundance.
Bigger issues may manifest in all sorts of ways such as loneliness, sadness, low self-esteem, feeling unloved, and may cause low grade depression and worst. You are definitely not able to live your best life with bad programming that happened when you were your most vulnerable.
This work was the beginning for me of unloading a painful, chaotic, and confusing childhood. Having an absent dad who was gone all the time “working” and an alcoholic mother who could slice you and dice you in one fell swoop with her tongue was not a happy place.
On top of that, my mother wanted to be the center of attention and the one all her children “adored.” In her misguided intent to do this, she would “pit” us against one another. My brother totally lost his way and gave up by falling head first into a battle with drugs which took him years to find his way out.
My sisters and I had no idea how to treat each other or how to have a loving relationship. We never saw it. The worst years were from age 10 to 16. I was a victim of molest, neglect, abandonment, betrayal and just felt like a foreigner in my own home. Our home was a scary, evil place. At 16 when I graduated from high school, I got the hell out and shared an apartment with a girlfriend. Looking back, I definitely was in survival mode and needed a safe place that I could claim as mine.
After suffering from a bout of depression, I knew I did not want to live with my childhood defining the rest of my life. One of the best tools I used to get back my life and reclaim my right to be happy was mirror work with affirma- tions.
There is so much power in looking into your own eyes (the gateway to the soul) and affirming who you are or want to be. This maybe a challenge you do for a whole month, year, or ongoing depending on what you need or want to work on