Every year, I pick a mantra, which is a phrase or word to represent the year and how I want to live it! I make business, personal, and life decisions around that word. Words in the past have been: fearless, believe, empowered, strength... and they definitely helped me be a better version of myself just by the power of the word.
One year my word was “faith” because I had lost all faith the previous year. I was totally on my knees after being betrayed by people who I thought were “family.” The rug was ripped out from beneath me. I was honestly not sure I could get up again.
I felt broken with my soul deeply bruised. I needed to learn to trust myself.
How did I end up down a dark alley with people who wanted to destroy me? I chose them. It was completely and utterly baffling to me. I honestly just wanted to give up. If this was the world, then it was too painful for me and I wanted out.
I came home from a particularly rough day and told my husband I was going to ask my business partner to let me out of my partnership. I didn’t know what I wanted to do (other than crawl in a dark hole and die.) Fortunately, my husband Les had faith in me when I did not. He said, “I know you. You will figure it out.”
Simple but powerful words I leaned on until I could believe it myself. That next year was about rebuilding my faith. I looked for the red flags in every decision I made. I listened to my inner voice that would warn me, nudging about situations, business decisions, and people I allowed in my inner circle. I learned I could trust myself.
I challenged my Mamas to do the same and pick a word or phrase to live by. One of my coaches, Lori picked “committed.” I love how she had chosen to use this word in her training for a triathlon. Running hill repeats one day, we were on our fifth hill and she shouted to me with a big smile on her face “I am committed” to finishing six hills today!” I loved hearing her enthusiasm, pride, and confidence proclaimed while pushing herself through to complete the hill! It was awesome! It is amazing what your one word can do.