What you focus on grows... so what are you focusing on? Past hurts or pains? Or positive experiences? People who have been blessings in your life? What you think about comes about, so start creating by having an attitude of gratitude! Be thankful for things large and small: a smile from a stranger, your job. And why would God give you anything more if you are not thankful for what you have.
In 1999, when I first left my abusive husband, I was very anxious about raising three very small children all under six years old. Their father was arrested for hitting me and breaking down the front door. With no child support and no job, I applied for welfare. I had zero dollars to my name. Praying for help, I decided to get my children out of the house for a walk as the sun had just come out. Walking down the street, I started to see sparkles on the ground. As I got closer, I realized someone had thrown lots of change all over the road!
We all started happily picking up all the pennies! I told my children they were “pennies from heaven” and that was God’s way of telling us everything was going to be alright.
Blessings happen all the time... are you thankful or unaware? If you are not thankful, why would God give you any more? Create an energy of thankfulness and watch what happens. Abundance and prosperity is created in those moments!